About Elkrun Township Tourism Bureau

The Bureau was founded in 2003 to promote tourism in Elkrun Township. We want to introduce hunting and fishing areas along the middle fork of Beaver Creek. Established as wild and scenic river, Beaver Creek offers many hunting and fishing opportunities that people who visit the township might not know exist. Also along middle fork of Beaver Creek, there is canoe and kayak access adjacent to Middle Beaver Road. We also provide pictures of Beaver Creek locks, local restaurants, and local lodging within the township. We pass information about local events such as flea markets, outdoor events, and community gatherings. When any local news regarding the township happens, we will be the first to let you know. Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments. We hope you enjoy your stay in Elkrun Township!

Contact Us

Elkrun Township Tourism Bureau

P.O. Box 16

Elkton, OH 44415


Email: tourismbureauelkruntwp@yahoo.com



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© Elkrun Township Tourism Bureau